345 Articles tagged with "resilience"
Methods for understanding social-ecological systems: a review of place-based studiesPDF
Institutions and the resilience of biobased production systems: the historical case of livestock intensification in the NetherlandsPDF
Applying a social-ecological well-being approach to enhance opportunities for marine protected area governancePDF
How to build a cross-disciplinary institute: the curious case of the South American Institute for Resilience and Sustainability StudiesPDF
Applying three distinct metrics to measure people’s perceptions of resiliencePDF
Special Feature
What makes collaborative water governance partnerships resilient to policy change? A comparative study of two cases in EcuadorPDF
Dancing on the volcano: social exploration in times of discontentPDF
Systemic resilience: principles and processes for a science of change in contexts of adversityPDF
Integrating sense of place into ecosystem restoration: a novel approach to achieve synergistic social-ecological impactPDF
Governance for adaptive capacity and resilience in the U.S. water sectorPDF