345 Articles tagged with "resilience"
Recovery or continued resuscitation? A clinical diagnosis of Colorado River sub-basin recovery programsPDF
Evaluating multilevel resilience of Russian urban economies 2010–2019PDF
Strong ethics and flexible actions, the properties of traditional ecological knowledge (TEK), as key resources for socioecological resilience to the impacts of climate change: a case study of Baojiatun, Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau karst area, southwest ChinaPDF
Special Feature
Indigenous caretaking of beargrass and the social and ecological consequences of adaptations to maintain beargrass weaving practicesPDF
Special Feature
Inequalities in the adaptive cycle: reorganizing after disasters in an unequal worldPDF
How food-system resilience is undermined by the weather: the case of the Rama Indigenous group, NicaraguaPDF
A comparative approach to quantify the heterarchical structures of complex systemsPDF
Special Feature
Elucidating social-ecological perceptions of a protected area system in Interior Alaska: a fuzzy cognitive mapping approachPDF
Special Feature
Equality and equity in Arctic communities: how household-level social relations support community-level social resiliencePDF
Addressing the resilience of tomato farmers in Ghana facing a double exposure from climate and marketPDF