30 Articles tagged with "REDD+"
Special Feature
REDD+ policy networks: exploring actors and power structures in an emerging policy domainPDF
Special Feature
National REDD+ policy networks: from cooperation to conflictPDF
Special Feature
REDD+ policy networks in Brazil: constraints and opportunities for successful policy makingPDF
Special Feature
Advocacy coalitions, REDD+, and forest governance in Papua New Guinea: how likely is transformational change?PDF
Special Feature
Multistakeholder environmental governance in action: REDD+ discourse coalitions in TanzaniaPDF
Special Feature
The REDD+ policy arena in Vietnam: participation of policy actorsPDF
Special Feature
Discursive barriers and cross-scale forest governance in Central Kalimantan, IndonesiaPDF
Special Feature
Information networks and power: confronting the “wicked problem” of REDD+ in IndonesiaPDF
Special Feature
Beyond Carbon: Enabling Justice and Equity in REDD+ Across Levels of GovernancePDF
Special Feature
Indigenous Peoples in UN REDD+ Negotiations: “Importing Power” and Lobbying for Rights through Discursive Interplay ManagementPDF