24 Articles tagged with "forestry"
Resilient and sustainable natural resource production: how are farmers and foresters coping?PDF
Strategic spatial planning in emerging land-use frontiers: evidence from MozambiquePDF
Which infrastructures for which forest function? Analyzing multifunctionality through the social-ecological system frameworkPDF
Special Feature
Community forestry frameworks in sub-Saharan Africa and the impact on sustainable developmentPDF
Special Feature
Conflict or cooperation? Social capital as a power resource and conflict mitigation strategy in timber operations in Ghana’s off-reserve forest areasPDF
Special Feature
The interdisciplinary decision problem: Popperian optimism and Kuhnian pessimism in forestryPDF
Special Feature
Do ecosystem services provide an added value compared to existing forest planning approaches in Central Europe?PDF
Special Feature
Collective action to save the ancient temperate rainforest: social networks and environmental activism in Clayoquot SoundPDF
Using structured decision making with landowners to address private forest management and parcelization: balancing multiple objectives and incorporating uncertaintyPDF
Future changes in the supply of goods and services from natural ecosystems: prospects for the European northPDF