175 Articles tagged with "climate change"
Special Feature
Building adaptive capacity in a changing Arctic by use of technologyPDF
How do Indigenous and local knowledge systems respond to climate change?PDF
Special Feature
Comparing adaptive capacity of Arctic communities responding to environmental changePDF
Lessons for human survival in a world without ecological templates: what can we learn from small-scale societies?PDF
Shade coffee and amphibian conservation, a sustainable way forward? Understanding the perceptions and management strategies of coffee growers in ColombiaPDF
Special Feature
Avenues of archetype analysis: roots, achievements, and next steps in sustainability researchPDF
Impact of gameplay vs. reading on mental models of social-ecological systems: a fuzzy cognitive mapping approachPDF
Uncovering multilayered vulnerability and resilience in rural villages in the Pacific: a case study of Ono Island, FijiPDF
Special Feature
Transboundary fisheries, climate change, and the ecosystem approach: taking stock of the international law and policy seascapePDF
Special Feature
Are transboundary fisheries management arrangements in the Northwest Atlantic and North Pacific seaworthy in a changing ocean?PDF