90 Articles tagged with "biodiversity"
Special Feature
Smallholder telecoupling and potential sustainabilityPDF
Managing ecosystems without prior knowledge: pathological outcomes of lake limingPDF
Forest ecosystem-service transitions: the ecological dimensions of the forest transitionPDF
Special Feature
Locating financial incentives among diverse motivations for long-term private land conservationPDF
Special Feature
Creative convergence: exploring biocultural diversity through artPDF
Special Feature
IPBES, an inclusive institution? Challenging the integration of stakeholders in a science-policy interfacePDF
Special Feature
Ecological restoration, ecosystem services, and land use: a European perspectivePDF
Special Feature
Trade-offs between ecosystem services and alternative pathways toward sustainability in a tropical dry forest regionPDF
Special Feature
The challenges of integrating biodiversity and ecosystem services monitoring and evaluation at a landscape-scale wetland restoration project in the UKPDF
Special Feature
A method for assessing ecological values to reconcile multiple land use needsPDF