3219 Articles tagged with "Uncategorized"
Special Feature
Traditional Knowledge in Social–Ecological SystemsPDF
Special Feature
Heterogeneity in Ethnoecological Knowledge and Management of Medicinal Plants in the Himalayas of Nepal: Implications for ConservationPDF
Melillo, J. M., C. B. Field, and B. Moldan. 2003. Interactions of the Major Biogeochemical Cycles: Global Changes and Human Impacts. SCOPE Report 61. Island Press, Washington, D.C., USA.PDF
Use of Road Maps in National Assessments of Forest Fragmentation in the United StatesPDF
Assessment and Management of Invasive Alien PredatorsPDF
Using the Species–Area Relationship to Set Baseline Targets for ConservationPDF
Special Feature
Spatial Organization of Environmental Knowledge: Conservation Conflicts in the Inhabited Forest of Northern ThailandPDF
Does Adaptive Management of Natural Resources Enhance Resilience to Climate Change?PDF
Shopping Centers as Panther Habitat: Inferring Animal Locations from ModelsPDF
The Cost of Restoration as a Way of Defining Resilience: a Viability Approach Applied to a Model of Lake EutrophicationPDF