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Oluyede C. Ajayi
First published in Ecology & Society in 2009
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1 published article
Jun 2009
Integrating Ethno-Ecological and Scientific Knowledge of Termites for Sustainable Termite Management and Human Welfare in Africa
Gudeta W Sileshi, Benjamin M Sekematte, Festus K Akinnifesi, Gudeta W Sileshi, Oluyede C Ajayi, Philip Nyeko, Phillip O. Y. Nkunika, Benjamin M Sekematte, Festus K Akinnifesi, Gudeta W Sileshi, Oluyede C Ajayi, Philip Nyeko, Phillip O. Y. Nkunika, Benjamin M Sekematte, Festus K Akinnifesi, Gudeta W Sileshi, Oluyede C Ajayi, Philip Nyeko, Phillip O. Y. Nkunika, Benjamin M Sekematte, Festus K Akinnifesi, Gudeta W Sileshi, Oluyede C Ajayi, Philip Nyeko, Phillip O. Y. Nkunika, Benjamin M Sekematte, Festus K Akinnifesi, Gudeta W Sileshi, Oluyede C Ajayi, Philip Nyeko, Phillip O. Y. Nkunika